Inside the O'Brien's reflection

This week, I read a book called Inside the O'Brien's by Lisa Genova. It's about Joe O'Brien, who is diagnosed with Huntington's disease. The book follows his life as he learns what Huntington's disease is and as he learns how to live with it. Joe has four children in their 20s, and we were also walked through their stories as they find out that their dad has Huntington's disease and they have a 50% chance of inheriting the disease. The reader gets to see how Joe's children react and how they decide if they want to be tested to find out if they have the Huntington's gene as well. This book gave me a better look into what Huntington's disease really is. We have learned about Huntington's disease in class, but I feel like, even though this book is fiction, it gave me a real look into someone's life who has Huntington's disease. It shows the reader what life is like day in and day out for the person who is diagnosed with HD as...