
Showing posts from May, 2018

Memphis Rolling Grizzlies

     Last night, I was able to watch the Memphis Rolling Grizzlies wheelchair basketball practice. It was one of the coolest things I've ever gotten to experience. The Memphis Rolling Grizzlies are a division 1 wheelchair basketball team which means they are one of the best. Their practice lasted for an hour and a half, and after practice they allowed us to try out the wheelchairs they use when they play and try to play basketball in them ourselves.      To be able to qualify to play wheelchair basketball the player has to not be able to play basketball, so when a man walked in last night and got in a wheelchair to play I was amazed. He has a condition where he has a soft spot in his spine and can't jump so he cannot play basketball otherwise. It was amazing to see how well he could maneuver his wheelchair even though he doesn't use a wheelchair daily. I was so impressed with their skills. I don't think I could ever do what they were doing. I have always heard of wheel

Neuronote 3

            I listened to the audiobook, Tuesdays with Morrie , by Mitch Albom. In the book, Mitch Albom meets with his old professor and friend, Morrie Schwartz, after Mitch discovers that Morrie has ALS. Mitch hasn’t seen his old professor in ten years, but finds out that Morrie has ALS while scrolling through TV channels and seeing him in an interview. Mitch starts meeting with Morrie every Tuesday, rekindling their friendship, and Mitch records their conversations which he then uses to write the book.             I chose to listen to Tuesdays with Morrie because I have been wanting to read that book for a while, but I just haven’t had time. I realized that with the amount of time I spend in the car or walking my dog I could listen to the book while doing those activities. I also chose to listen to this book because one of my best friend’s dad was diagnosed with ALS, and ever since then I have been very interested in learning more about the disease. I thought th

What is OT?