
Showing posts from September, 2019

Mock Interview Reflection

          Today, I had a wonderful opportunity to do a mock interview in order to prepare for future job interviews. During the actual interview process, I kept thinking that I sounded really unsure of my answers to the questions being asked. I feel like they weren't hard question, but they were not questions I had really prepared for when practicing so I had to gather my thoughts before answering. However, after I rewatched my video, I was surprised to hear that I didn't really sound unsure of myself, and I answered the questions better than I originally thought. As I was rewatching it, I could tell that I was gathering my thoughts as I was speaking, as well as trying to figure out how to word it in a way that sounded professional.            In order to prepare for my mock interview, I mainly used the resources that were provided on Blackboard. I got together with a couple of friends, and we took turns answering interview questions and helping each other with wording answers