NeuroNote 4

          This week I watched The Fundamentals of Caring, a movie about friendship and tragedy with some humor mixed in. Ben takes a course to become a caregiver after he experiences a tragedy no one should ever have to experience, and his first job is taking care of Trevor, a boy with muscular dystrophy. After spending a little time with Trevor, Ben convinces Trevor’s mom to let them take a road trip – the first one Trevor will have ever been on. Friendship unfolds as they head to the deepest pit in the world.
            I had a good amount of friends who watched this movie and highly recommended it, so I decided to give it a shot. I also chose to watch this movie because I felt like I didn’t understand a lot about muscular dystrophy, and I wanted to know more. I wanted to learn more about what muscular dystrophy is and how to treat it, and I believe this movie helped me learn some of those things.
            From watching this movie, I was able to see how different people react differently to things that come along in their lives. I was able to see how Trevor coped with his muscular dystrophy through the use of humor and how Ben responded to a tragedy in his life by learning to take care of others. I learned not to judge someone because you never know what they are dealing with and going through and that everyone deals with things differently and that okay. I learned to look for friendship in unlikely places and you might find one you’ve never expected.


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